Crosscountry Ski West Yellowstone

Make the Yellowstone West Gate Hotel your base camp for expeditions to Rendezvous Ski Trails | | and Yellowstone National Park Nordic ski trails | |, Harriman State Park, | | and more.
- Riverside Ski Trail | | has almost 10K of skiing along the Madison River along two loops, Head toward to the park and look for the trail head at the intersection of Madison Ave and Boundary St.
- The heat that makes Old Faithful erupt so regularly also makes for an unforgettably unique skiing or snowshoe adventure.When you ski the Old Faithful Ski Trails | | be prepared to remove your skis and walk at some spots where the snow has melted!
- Wind through trails lined with lodge pole pine and across vast expanses of open meadows at the Rendezvous Ski Trails. | | The trails cover more than of more than 35 kilolmeters of U.S. Forest Service land.
- West Yellowstone and Gallatin Area of Yellowstone National Park is a winter wonderland offering a diversity of ski trails and types of skiing for a range of skiing expertise.
- Harriman State Park. | | has trails for all ability levels, and features seven miles of skating lanes, Head west on Hwy 20 to Island Park, ID to discover the breathtaking views of Yellowstone National Park on Ridge Loop Trail from Ridge Overlook. Glide along the Henry's Fork of the Snake River from Harriman State Park to Mack's Inn.
- If you're on the hunt for local hot spots, head north on Hwy 191. Telemark Meadows | | has spectacular views of the Madison and Gallatin mountain ranges and great low angle slopes for telemark enthusiasts. Just 2 miles north Bighorn Pass Trail || parallels Fawn Pass Trail and connects 8 kilometers in. Make a full loop or head in and out for a quick trip. Look for petrified trees and keep your eyes peele for Yellowstone elk or the occasional moose along Specimen Creek Trail | |